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Ch 5 tonight. 22:00hrs

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Abdulmajid | 21:11 Wed 11th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Documentary on a relatively normal teenager whose parents are naturists and walk around the house stark bollok naked. Poor Kid!!!!!!

Did any of your friends have beardy weirdy parents?


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abot 30 years ago my best mate at school
well his mum and dad grew and ate and even sold organic fruit and vegetables weird or what ????
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oh and we did use to laugh because they used recycled toilet paper ??? hey ?
I was staying over at a a mates house. At two o clock in the morning I was` woken up and told there was a fire in the house and to get up. All the mattresses were tipped out of the window and we had to jump out of the bedroom window onto them.

When we were all out, my mates dad arrived out of the front door, and announced it had taken 3 1/2 minutes to get out the house.

Turned out he'd lost his sister in a house fire when he was an 'ankle biter' and didn't want to lose his sprog to fire so he held regular practices at stupid o clock in the morning two or three times a year.
4gs, I don't know whether to laugh or cry!!
No, my own and my friends parents all seemed to act acceptably - apart from seeming very strict - but I agree with you about that documentary.
If people want to be naturists, that's fine, but I think they're also very selfish to their childrens' needs. Kids are very sensitive at a certain age, and having to explain to their school friends must've been a nightmare. Laughing stocks or what!!

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Ch 5 tonight. 22:00hrs

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