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Do you wilt with tiredness....

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Ice.Maiden | 02:29 Thu 12th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
when you've been on AB nearly all night and then have to get up to do some work - or can you cope with it?


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welll i work 7 days and have to fit my life around my work.
but then im versatile so its no problemo .

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Well I can be infantile - so i sleep like a baby....when I get the chance!
Most of the time-no-I cope quite well. I am lucky as I 'work' doing something I it is not work at all. I do mutter a bit about those who tempt me to stay up-lol
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But!! Splutter!!!! How..could you suggest...!!!!!!
Did i mention any names???..well??
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No mummy, but I was right wasn't I??!! x

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Do you wilt with tiredness....

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