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if ?

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Dr-Legend | 03:23 Sun 15th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
If I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted all the time

Would i want to ?


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Umm.....depends on what you think people expect of you!
Question Author

Not atall.

Depends on you alone .

Very cryptic.
this question depends entirley on the individual answering.
each answer would in effect be different. its too philosophical for a straight forward simple to the point answer.

i see this question as one that deals with choice to an extent. im reminded of the way marriage works. one partner wants the other to be a specific person all the time, everytime. yet throughout time, people naturally change. as a result, the question arises...

"do i want to be what you want me to be all the time?"

its almost like giving yourself to someone, and then changing your mind...

"do i want to be what you want me to be all the time?"

just like marriage...

thats what i first thought...not bad concidering im at work!
Question Author
went down the hill,
the other day
my soul got happy
and stayed all day
That sounds like a very plausible answer danny - but only legend knows if he meant it like that.
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i think to look tooo deeply into something can make you lose focus.
You stare into a pool to see wahts in it
but the hareder you stare
alll you see is the pool
as you lose focus

And sometimes thats all thats there to see
Perhaps a person shouldn't stare too deeply into ANYTHING. Actions often speaqk louder than words anyway.
Question Author
Ah easier not to look?To avoid ?

Mmmm but then nevr to know.

What a choice eh?
mmm....but some of us stare deeply more naturally than is in our nature. While others only look on the surface and are happy with that.
Question Author
Some live in a sanitised world,
never looking too deeply .
perhaps for fear of what they might see?
perhaps because theeres nothing there?

below the surface it may be empty and blank ?
You don't know until you take the plunge and LOOK.....otherwise it will be forever unknown
Pasta's just said the same thing, but in different words.
Yes, something shiny on the surface might be murky underneath. Still waters run deep, but can also be shallow.
Hell's bells - are we all being drawn into a psychological debate here?? Lol!
Question Author
Maybe aye

maybe no

is that a bad thing ?
More like philosophical...
Question Author
Maybe just using the brain for thinking?
A novel idea i know .

And pasta got me there!!!! Mwhahaha - because that's the word i meant to put!! I typed the other one without thinking.....which answers legend.....that MY brain's not being used for thinking at the moment at all!!!!! xx
Question Author
Night!!! x

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