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Is it time to grow up

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Doc_Spock | 14:48 Sun 15th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
just back from visiting grandkids.

went to birthday party at roller skating rink.

Fell at first hurdle , mrs videoed it, very cruel, just editing the highlights and I shall let you have a look ( whether you want to or not)

shoulder still sore and ears still ringing from raucous laughter.


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Ah bless!! Sounds like you had lovely time Doc! x
i cant stand in the skates

never mind skate

i can do a palactic twirl and fall down so easy lol
cant wait to c vidieo tho xxx
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Awww Doc , you poor thing , hope you won't be too sore tomorrow when you stiffen up . Have you edited the vid yet btw .....snigger.....
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stiffen up bigmamma, chance would be a fine thing.

nothing worse than trying out something that kids do really easily, I came a cropper when I tried out a skateboard once, very embarressing for my daughter, these days I worry about doing my back a mischief so I leave the dodgy stuff to the kids
Doc, I skated last weekend for the first time in about 20 years. I did not fall, but my legs were so sore the next day!! It was fun, but I decided not to break any limbs and stopped after 20 min. I think I am on video too. It might surface at my school's graduation during the Power Point!!!!

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Is it time to grow up

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