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just knew it, hubby wanted to go out for lunch yesterday, knew my neighbour/friend was taking her visiting friend there. she pointed out that i no longer wanted to walk with her, i had my chance and said its dont call me, i'll call you and that i liked going on my treadmill. she then said her hubby was out of town sun til tues evening and for me to call her.if i dont call her she will think i am rude though i am going through a very bad time at the moment as a relative of mine is dying. i want time to myself but i cant use my relative thing forever. we have had a very short intense relationship so far almost seeing each other every day, i like being on my own, after one day she doesnt and gets bored and wants to do something. any more ideas what i can do, this is making me ill, stressing me out, im not going to come out and say things outright to her though, im not that kind of person.