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nite peeps

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wee willie | 00:54 Wed 18th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
its been another long day



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Nite, nite has been nice chatting to you.....when you stand still long enough-lol xx
(Whispers) Hark who's talking!!!????

Oh - and night willie, although you should stay for another 15 minutes. We don't really allow people to leave before 2.15 at least!

Where's Sir Legend got to???
willy you away?
wee gimp tryin to cut my grass with jayen
you snake lol
Night wee willy , sleep well , nice to see you :-) xxxxx
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love you all x
It has deffinitely been a long day. Tomorrow will drag for me too until I get my little baby back :-(
That sounds like an orgy in the offing!!!!!
Night willie x

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nite peeps

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