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Charity and such

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Eve | 09:56 Wed 18th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Just wondering how charitable we all are.

Do you donate or do other events or such for charity or do any voluntary work or other things benefitting those in need?

Are you planet friendly in recycling and energy saving and all that?


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I don't participate in events, but I will give sponsorship money to those who ask me. I donate money to the dogs trust every month.

I don't recycle at home but I do at work and I use energy efficient lightbulbs (only because they were given to me free though)
I recycle some. And when I see someone with a mcmillan collection I will always give to them. I just don�t always trust other people collecting money, especially them people that sell roses in the pubs.
They do it for charity?? I thought that they were trying to make a living. I had no idea that was for charitable purposes! LOL
well... it probably isnt they say its for cancer but I dont believe them
Ha! I'm really surprised! I never give them time to open their mouth it's just a "no" if they look my way LOL.
Ive done some voluntary work, went to Ghana for 3 months to work in orphanages and coach football to kids out there. I ran Race For Life only ONCE, but when i'm fit i'll be doing it again.

I asked all my friends last week if they wanted to do some volunteer work somewhere at weekends, so hoping to get the ball rolling there.

Don't think i do enough really but would like to try do more once Mia's a bit older.

As for recycling, none what so ever (except for at work) - which is pretty poor.
I do recycle my paper, glass and cans. Also my raw food waste goes into our composter!

As for charity, I am always giving clothes or unwanted gifts to our children's hospic. We don't give money monthly to charity as my hubby runs marathons and we find we raise more money this way, but always give to Cancer and Children's hospic!

I do support the Dogs Trust in the fact that my dog was a rescue dog there and we support their open days!
Couldn't give a toss about being green and eco friendly, recycling and all that rubbish.

Our Scooter Club does a fair bit for charidee mate, we went to the retired greyhound trust a couple of weeks ago and raised 400 quid.

We also do a bit for the acorns hospice, we give straight to the charity concerned as we know 100% of the money goes to those it is intended for
I recycle EVERYTHING, which annoys my hubby. He has to ask which bag or bin things go in. Recycling teabags, vegetable peelings etc etc has given me loads of rich compost. I give what I don't need away.

I donate a lot of clothes and shoes to the homeless shelter near my local town.

I volunteer to take some old ladies out once a week. I love doing it because they're such good fun and always up to mischief. On alternate months we arrange an old fashioned cream tea for them, and then the next month we make them a roast dinner.

I dig next door's garden for them and walk their dog. They've got 4 children and the eldest has a disability, so most of their time is taken up with her.
I recycle everything that is recyclable, I compost, clothes that cannot be sold or passed on go to Oxfam for rags (put them in a bag and mark them rags) old shoes go in the recycling bin. I use low energy bulbs (cos I'm always being given free ones) I use environmentally friendly washing powder, fabric conditioner, dishwasher tablets and cleaning products. I use cotton shopping bags most of the time. If there is a fair trade option I buy that. I give to Water Aid and a local charity The Countryside Education Trust on a monthly basis and Mr H does the RSPCA. I look at this and I look fanatical but honestly I'm not it's all really easy and I do think if everyone does a litle bit that's easy then it all helps.
I am really fed up with recycling at home.
I have three bins for different things and yet my sons and hubby just chuck things away willy nilly!!!

And I have to put on the marigolds and sort through it all.

They think it is a joke and so do I in the long run.
The truck comes round and they seem to tip everything into the one truck!!!

I don't give to a certain charity, but I'd rather take my money personally and give it to somebody who needs it. I don't believe the money donated to charities really reach where it is needed.
I try to recycle everything, even at work which annoys my hubby and colleagues. I bring used newspapers and cans back and put them in our bins, otherwise they would just go into landfill.
Im always taking stuff to charity shops, but somehow my wardrobes etc dont seem to be getting any emptier.
I do sponser people and events because I used to do charity walks myseld many moons ago and I know what its like getting sponsers.
Im always on at hubby for leaving the tap running whilst cleaning his teeth.
Even when away on hol we still try to do our bit where we can.
Im not perfect but getting there.
Everything you recycle probably all gets chucked in the same land refill site anyways lol

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