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answers removed

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wilmay | 16:45 Sun 15th Jun 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Can anybody tell me how some of my answers could have been removed ? If I've done it myself I don't know how, but I find it strange.


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Look in 'my profile' (top left) to view the total of your questions/answers. This will tell you if any have been removed... though this is unlikely unless you're in the habit of posting dodgy stuff. Which I assume you're not!
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I had an email from AB techies which said my account had probably been suspended because of "over posting". Where in the terms does it say you are limited to a certain amount of posts? I'm sure I don't know, but all seems to be up and running again as normal. Thanks for answering :)
If a thread has been removed and you posted on it, your answers will be removed as well.

You can't remove your own answers.
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The thread hadn't been removed, only my answers. However, no matter now

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