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Forgotten her name!

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Drisgirl | 17:46 Thu 19th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
A poster from a few years ago -she was practising law -had good craic with her.Always forthright and never dull.I like her.

I dont know why I thought of her there but now I cant remember her name.Anyone remember?

Or does anyone keep in touch with her?


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January Bug?
Question Author
Thats it -thanks !!
You're welcome
i thought you were new lakitu lol.
No, I used to be Dakota, I had the account deleted a while back.
Bl88dy hell! Dakota, where you been? BTW Dris, I remember January Bug as a very argumentative bug.
Hey rabet :)
i mustve missed that post lakitu, Im sorry i thought you were a recent addition to the AB family :)
hi dris, how are you?
Question Author
rabet long time no speak -hope youre well x
Miss all your fine food (well cyber food).Yip she was a tad argumentative (pot kettle black -that was to me lol) -but she was bright and never dull.
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Hey Mirela -mean to have a chat with you -will leave a message for you hun OK -hope you have eaten a bit today - you must take care xxxxx
She was over-sensitive and took generalities as personal. Wait for it ~ I bet she's watching.
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I often wonder rabet -really - if she was still here -dont think she would be able to bite her tonque long enough tho lol
-- answer removed --
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Way to go Knobby -that was exactly what she was like -ah the memories !!! That was a short thread BTW -believe you me.
(I was Buddy back then -cant ever be again lol)
Yes, that's typical!
dris, cant make plan to visit now, as im thinking to move city, had enough bad memories here x

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Forgotten her name!

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