My friend's cat. in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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My friend's cat.

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eskimo | 16:58 Wed 05th Jan 2005 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers

My friend's cat has been diagnosed with a heart murmur after a recent visit to the vets.  There is no immediate cause for concern but as he is eight what are the chances of it worsening?

Does anyone know about heart conditions in cats? 

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My cat Jimmy was diagnosed with a heart murmur when he was a kitten, it hasn't had any effect on his life although he has never been what you would call a lively cat. He is now 16 & still doing well.
Our little cat Phyllis was diagnosed with a heart murmur when she was around 6 years following a "funny turn". She lived on contentedly, if rather lazily, for four years and died this summer. She could have had tablets to improve the condition but unfortunately giving her the medicine stressed her out so much it was a no-win situation.
For all such questions, we strongly advise you to seek professional advice from your vet.  Please do not rely on or wait for advice from Answerbank users.

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