I have a honeysuckle climbing plant but it only get leaves and flower on the very top of it. The bottom is just woody and has nothing on it. Should i cut it right back and if so when should i do it.
Yes, hack it back & it will regrow from lower down. I've done it at all different times of the year & if you're not enjoying the flowers now do it. If you leave it any later into the summer any new growths will not have time to 'ripen' (go woody) before winter & may die back after frosts.
i've just hacked back one that had totally taken over the pergola it was growing over. it sprouted new shoots on the low down woody bit almost immediately and i can almost see it growing daily. i've decided to keep it more under control in future and have chopped some of the new shoots off. i think they're pretty hardy and will just keep on growing.