normally i get up on sunday take my wife a coffee in bed then get the fags and papers then get the sunday dinner ready on and cooking then my wife takes over and i relax but today i didnt get the dinner ready should i do the ironing instead
I think you should come round to mine and do the ironing. I have no one to do it for me. I am unable to train my cats as they do not have apposable thumbs!
harry have you just invited yourself to dinner with me and my family ? id better set another place if you have im used tocooking for 6-8 but only have 4 here today
LOL Bednobs... what's wrong with eating cauliflower ? (I understand that one !) - Cauliflower cheese,cauli soup, cauli curry, cauli couscous etc etc are all gorgeous.. but then I do like cauliflower...