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did you do anything different this weekend?

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mandimoo | 00:57 Mon 23rd Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
i went to cambridge.


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Different from going to Cambridge?

Question Author
nooooo silly! different to what you usually do xx
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Well normally I go out with my friends, drink too many cocktails, and have a headache.

This weekend I mooched around Brighton on my own feeling bored.

Not a very exciting answer, but at least I've go the ball rolling.

How was Cambridge? Did you do anything in particular there?

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Question Author
i went to see a band at the corn exchange, that i used to like in the late 80s early 90s - queensryche (dont laugh, if youve even heard of them). went on a punt tour and an open top bus tour (in the rain)..... i am home now and equally enjoying a sunday night after which i have no work tomorrow... yay!
Quite a busy time then.

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How can you say
I go about things the wrong way ?
I am Human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does

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did you do anything different this weekend?

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