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mechanical problem with golf car

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spritzy | 19:32 Fri 20th Jun 2008 | Motoring
8 Answers
I have a Y reg vokswagon golf I have no idea about anything mechanical but there seems to be something wrong. When i am driving it is fne but when i am in nuetral and am waiting to pull off the whole car vibrates. It seems to jump backwards and forwards. I know that this is not alot of information but can anyone tell me if they know what it could possibly be. thanks.


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is it a manual or auto?
Question Author
it is a manual. I dont know what else to say but any help would be grateful.
live with it if you can... ive got a golf , and it doesnt do this .. but ive owned other cars,,,, its like the engine , is a bit unstable .... when i say unstable , it needs the timing or something ..... the timing on the engine ,,, is like a sort of synchronisation , of the engine ...
Not too sure about the jumping back and forward but first let us know IF you touch the accelerator very slightly to make the car rev a little faster do these problems dissapear?
Question Author
Yes. Even the slightest pessure on the accelerator makes it stop. It doesnt really jump backward and forwards but the vibrating get really severe. It was so bad the other night even the gear leaver was shaking loads. But as soon as any pressure is put on the accelerator it stops. Help!
possibly misfiring?? if not check all the engine mountings.
Question Author
thanks david ill get a mate to check that out.
david ,,,, and kjn 2 , had good advice ,,

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