a moment before death
Im sure everyone has a particular story about someone in their family dying?I wont ask anyones or go into mine either.As its irrelevant to the question to be specific , but still.So weve all had people , family , die.When you look back on the circumstances of those deaths ,how they happened.Do you ever think to yourself that if only a little thing had been changed.I dont mean like the death averted as thats in gods power , if he exists.But a little thing like the person spending some time with you.Having some fun.You may have been estranged from them.You might not have been on the best of terms.But if you could change the lead up to the death but not the outcome.How many of us would wish for a last word or just 5 minutes , not to say i love you i miss you etc.But just to be there to talk , and let those loved ones know , without saying to them , that you care , you love them,and one day you will miss them.But just to have that moment.
What would you give for 5 minutes?
And what would you say?
" Monday , the start of another good week : - ) "