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joggerjayne | 07:09 Tue 24th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Some friends are going away for a couple of days, so I've just run them up to Gatwick (in their car, obviously, coz mine's a bit little).

And ... I've got a Land Cruiser to play with for a couple of days.

So beejay, why are YOU up at this time of day ??


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beejay, do you think we're on our own for a bit, because there's something I want to ask you, to do with your name.
Sorry jayne - it's only me but beejay will be around somewhere. He's probably over on facebook at the moment.
Enjoy the Land Cruiser - big bu**ers they are!!
hi jayne again and bensma-ab was going slow there and i needed to give it a blatter between the shoulder blades-bensma-stop telling folk about our early morning happenings :<)
Sorry beejay but it's selfish to keep you to myself in the morning!
the mind boggles bensma-and as far as i know -jayne likes to share things too--:<)
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Hi everyone.

Hi jayne hun , please say you're going to have some sleep before getting to drive that Land Cruiser sweetie :-) xxxxxx
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Hi bigmamma

The Land Cruiser belongs to the friends I took to the airport this morning. I offered them a lift, but I only have an MG, so I took them in their car. And now I've got it until they get back.

I like it. It's so different from my little car. You're so high up off the ground, and you can see everything. It feels nice and safe.

And it's got a big f*ck off engine, a 3 litre diesel turbo. Yummy

(Jayne becomes Vicky Butler Henderson)


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