Can anyone remember a TV programme from the 70's, where a bloke used to keep saying "I heard that , pardon"
It's driving us mad trying to remember!! I think he was a northerner, poss lancashire or
Thanks to all for answers and very fast response. Have checked out the youtube link, but not sure it is the programme I was thinking of, as watched the sketch but never heard the phrase in question. Was good to watch though. Ah, they don't make 'em like that anymore!!
My favourite 'joke' in IDKYC was in the first episode when they were burying Uncle Mort's wife. Mort bends down and runs some of the soil from the grave through his fingers. John Comers character (can't remember the name) says to Mort "Thinking of happy memories". Mort: "No, I was just thinking, you could grow champion onions in this soil". Set the tone for a great series.
I heard that - pardon was in the episode called the Night Before. The You Tube clip someone posted for you is another episode, but if you look at the list to the right of it the Night Before episode is there - he says it right at the end of the clip!