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Hitler | 08:51 Tue 24th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Who would win a fight between a stick of celery and a stick of rhubarb and for what reasons?


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Obviously the celery, as it would be much healthier, and the rhubard would have to keep running to the loo.
I don't think they would ever fight - the rhubarb is really quite passive and would only fight if it was "forced" whereas the celery is all "heart". They both tend to go a bit limp so the fight wouldn't be up to much anyway :)
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neither of you suprisingly havent mentioned that a rhubarb has a big leaf at the top. Maybe the rhubarb could fart and waft it with the leaf towards the celery and while the celery was temporarily dazzled the rhubarb could plant the celery in the stomach snapping it cleanly in half. Do you think this is possible?
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nice of you to say noknow. It did take me a while though to work it out
How doyou come up with all these things Grav? I'd love to know how your mind works but at least you've got a good sense of humour!
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thats the spirit nokno. Bit of salt, down the hatch.
I reckon the celery would get eaten alive by the rhubarb... rhubarb sticks are totally untrustworthy critters ... honest !

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