The answer to the following cryptic clues is a two word phrase consisting of 2 rhyming words. 118. Neighborhood peasant 125. Nightwear Play 128. Vendor of protective outdoor items 129. Evil clergyman 132. Someone who guns down a teacher 134. Time for roses 139. Suspends bracelets 141. Tepid ghost 144. Flower Wall decoration 146. Idiotic deity 149. Genuine policeman 151. Scented tramp 156. Sporting target 158. More ordinary coach 160. More refined cleaner 161. Free flowing absentee 171. Wet supporting beam 173. Hardley ever a spiral 175. Lively fowl 176. smaller boxer 177. Self-confident rider 178. Purchaser of a stringed instrument 181. Mild Roar 182. Imperfect weapon 185. Out of order machine disc 187. Pontiff's tree 188. Disastrous prestidigitation 193. Ghostly chicken 195. Gory couple 200. Tall, bendy person