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Todays word is 'discombobulated'

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Panic Button | 10:49 Thu 26th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
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What does it mean... I love it!
why discombobulated didnt anyone discombobulated think of this discombobulated before?

this discombobulated is quite discombobulated simple really discombobulated
No such word!
Here's one from a classic episode of Blackadder:

Blackadder: Oh, I�m sorry, sir. I am anaspeptic, phrasmotic, even compunctious to have caused you such periconbobulations.
Red - your post has discombobulated me!

Tee Hee!
its my favourite word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NO JOKE! i love it use it whenever i can particularly if mr f has messed up the flat just after i tidied it!
Im disconbobulated cos ive just washed the car by hand ! Phew... i need a cuppa tea now
niiice.. i will do my best to drive people mad with that word today :)

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Todays word is 'discombobulated'

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