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Are we a load of animal lovers?

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Eve | 09:19 Thu 26th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
55 Answers
Thought I'd see who of us Chatterbankers have furry friends :)

I'm a bit stuck living in a flat and can't wait to get into a house with garden where I can start my own little menagerie.

For now I have Mojo the hamster aka Fluffy as he's a big ball of white fluff with eyes.


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Yay, awww how cute, what's it got on it's head?
chain mail! my brother made it and the cat was fascinated with it!
heres a better one, summer solstice 06, curled up in the grass cuttings!
Awww some gorgeous pets! Sally, your dog is adorable! We have 2 hamsters called Stormy and Commando, Stormy is a bit wobbly in his old age now but he is almost 5! Commando is extremely nosy and as soon as you walk in the room he is out of bed and waiting for you! Lol! We also have a 9 month old GSD x Collie dog called Murphy, who I (hope) have put a pic up of x
I lost my Tara last September. Now, I feel almost ready to take on a new dog.
I don't want to be constantly comparing her (it must be a "she" - the only condition!) to Tara, that wouldn't be fair,
so I'm looking for a mix - each one is unique!
Maybe come autumn.
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don't think I have done this right but will soon .find out this is my cockatiel saying do you want a cup of tea hello oscar your a ****** give me a kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss hello oscar got a hannes maccaw just young yet but she tells me to ****** off lol . If this don't come through as a video can someone please in idiots language tell me how to do it.
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Awww, chattering away :)

Yes it works fine :)
Well done Wendilla! I absolutely love c0ckatiels and used to have four. Unfortunately, I have a severe allergy to anything in the parrot family (pigeons and chickens as well) and had to rehome them! I miss them so much.
Hiya Tara

I remember how upset you were when you lost your dog - it was just after my cat Binnie died and you said some lovely things to me so thank you. :o)

My boyfriend moved in with his 2 cats and it was the best thing to get over losing Binnie - now have 2 fab monsters called Cleo and Cassidy but also known as FK (fat knacker) and BNB (billy no balls!!) :o)
lol! love them eyes!she looks like trouble!
She is. She is the most uncatlike cat I have ever had. Totally hyperactive and clumsy, into everything all day and half the night, incredibly amusing and totally loving.
I can offer u a ferret in 3weeks (weaned). U wouldn't need a house for it!

p.s. As per earlier (may 08) 7 babies & mum all well. Dog flea powder worked a treat!
Have to decline your offer, but I do love ferrets!! So pleased to hear your news - that's great!
Here's my cat puss pinching my water. ture=user
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