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PatriciaH | 23:51 Thu 26th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
What the heck is that in a dress? dorothy gayle ...pmsl


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I know hes trying to put over the equality bit but cmon that dress! lol
I'm not following you PatH just happened to sign on now before bed. I can't answer your Q as I am not watching Question Time. I have watched Big Brother tonight first time for ages. Where do they get these people from ? I usually quite enjoy the prog but this time I can't stand all the screeming, even the lads screem and it gets on my nerves.

Are you on your boat this summer ?
I will speak on MSN soon if its ok with you I haven't been on there for ages but we must catch up with new etc.
Sorry but I am tired lol
I am going now to look at the dress.
Question Author
Lol @ pus , stalking me ! ... i usually watch some of BB but i havent even seen 1 episode this time, Hopefully talk next week on MSN eh puss? take care , Trish xx
Bl88dy hell just looked and its a fella in a dress, and very awful dress at that. Grayson Perry is his/her name never heard of him/her before but I will Google tomorrow, it must be a joke surely.
Had to go and look at said dress , looked like it came off Alice in Wonderland .
Question Author =3269 LOL is this the same "bloke " ? ( Same name when i googled )

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