when you passport is issued isn't relevant as such, it's when it expires.
assuming it's a 10 year passport then yes no problem as it won't expire until 2014
if its a 5year passport (which would make you a child and you really shouldn't be up at this time posting on websites:)) then it may be close as it could expire in less than 9months.
Chuckfickens- the expiry date is not my concern. My concern is that my passport is suitable for entry because of the biometric laws passed after my passport was issued.
I think that Im ok by just turning up in New York as it is and once there they will take a finger print. Im unclear as to what current security procedures are.
Does my British passport allow me to travel under the VWP?
To enter under the VWP your passport must contain a machine-readable zone (MRZ)
at the foot of the photo page. The MRZ contains 2 lines of text as letters, numbers and chevrons (>>>). If the area is blank the passport is not machine-readable and you need to apply for a visa.
The new style passports containing a biometric chip and an MRZ are acceptable for the VWP.
Thanks for your help Chuckfickens (I havent seen you here before!). I know that this is one of the most frequently asked questions under the travel section but it shows how much of the public is unsure about what to do when visiting the States!
Recently got back from US after trip to Boston.Like you,have a 2004 passport,with the chevrons etc as described by ChuckFickens.Everything was ok with the Homeland Security people,so you should have no trouble with the VWP.Only problems we encountered were BA related,but thats another story.
The new biometric requirements apply only to passports issued after the date they came in - older passports remain acceptable until they expire, as long as they are machine readable.
No problem, I've been about on here for a while now, just normally in Technology, I missed when I clicked last night though and ended up in travel, so thought I'd answer a question while I was here :)