Do the artist, bands and celebs at the Mandela concert on ITV tonight, do it for Mandela's birthday and all the things he did for Africa, or do it for coverage they will get for themselves?
If you asked all the audience there tonight, what Mandela did, I bet that only 25% could tell you? I saw Gerry Halliwell being interviewed, and IMO she was so false.
You've lost me Abdul, how is voodoo relevant to what I said?
My previous post was only enlightening you to your possible future, it's not meant in any way wicked or bad. You are hoping to get married and maybe start a family. I guess it all depends on our beliefs.
If suggesting something I say on a chat forum of a question site may come back on me is not voodoo, hokus pokus, spiritual nonsense or whatever, then I do not know what is.
And the sooner Gordon Brown gets blown to pieces the better.
Wobbly, (brother of Majid), you are certainly proving my point made earlier that somebody must have left the gates of the funny farm open. Still churning out the same old cr@p!!! You should get yourself ready. They will be around for you soon. Still, I expect you enjoyed this short break away from the warders!!
Do the artist, bands and celebs at the Mandela concert on ITV tonight, do it for Mendel's birthday and all the things he did for Africa, or do it for coverage they will get for themselves?
If my career in the music business was sagging,I would be first up to sing happy birthday to the old feller coz it gets free publicity - look at the commentatores for goodness sake