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im offf to bed

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leyenda | 02:33 Sun 29th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
see ya loooosers

an dgoody goodys


" didddy that help yiee the noooooooooooo ?? " " didddy that help yiee the noooooooooooo ?? "
" didddy that help yiee the noooooooooooo ?? "

" didddy that help yiee the noooooooooooo ?? "



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Night night Legend. I won't be far behind you, because it looks as though Pasta's desserted again, and everyone else's drunk! x
Nite nite leggy.....cluck,cluckkkk,cluckkkcluckkkk!!......enjoy the game tomoro......I will be sending off the mini me verrrryyy late-lol xxxx
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Hey!!!! You've come back!!!!! And i've been sitting here, minute by painful minute, waiting for your mirthful replies! x
Oh sorry sweetie.....have been helping lil pasta with some stuff......she is off at this time tomoro nite-waaahhh!
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Awww...that's lovely howdy!

And yes Pasta - sorry hun, i was forgetting about L'il pasta. Don't worry - she'll be great!!!! xx
AWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! Is that cat yours????
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Well you keep disappearing and ignoring me hun. Then again....(mutters)...Pasta's similar.......

No, no - do you want to natter, knobby?
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night diddy

" didddy that help yiee the noooooooooooo ?? "

LOL...thats how caspar sleeps!!...............................Oh dear-I MUST go now.....eyes fighting to close!....have a good evening everyone-sweet dreams!
Night night pasta hun. I'll catch you tomorrow. xx
Nite all sweeties xxxx
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I admire her brain - but maybe you weren't exactly thinking of that bit of her!! Lol!

Hey - and sorry, I didn't mean ignore, exactly, but you wander off for ages at a time!!!!

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im offf to bed

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