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logic | 17:49 Sun 29th Jun 2008 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Am up and feeling great,
a wee bit peckish,
would this be a record for a lay in,? from 10.00 AM till .... 17.30.


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you have slept the day away, my mom would be cross with you!
Blimey, you musta been drunk!!!!!!!
loggy i saw ya earlier ya liaaaarr

im offski

viva espanaaa ya basssss

"diddy this help yieeee the nooooooooooooo?"
LOL logic, you havent met mrwarpig yet. He could lie-in for Britain. I have known him to not get out of bed at all some days and sleep right through! the lazy b*gger!

Mind you, since the piglet arrived he hasnt been able to do that, ha, ha. And on the one occasion he tried I took the piglet up to him in bed and he held her above his head (like any good father would) and she puke on him, oh how I laughed! Now when I bring her up he gets up!!!!!!!
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cazzz I can't think why your mum would be cross with me, Does she know me. ?:-)

funnygirl couldn't have that drunk, i remember you calling me too facey, does kettle, teapot come to mind ?
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LOL Warpig.
poor sod fancy doing that to the chap.
my mom is always up with the lark, she hates people lying in bed all day whilst their life is passing them by, as a result I am an early bird as well

plus wont you be up all night now after all that sleep?
Well you are!!!!
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No of course not cazzz
going out for a few beers later, but in moderation this time. :-)
That's've not played the part in answering all the questions put on Ab. Why else were you invited to join the site?

Get orf if ur not going to join in and maybe my connexions will be faster.
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Like i said ,kettle call's teapot black.
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ER terambulan, you got a problem here ?
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just found my dinner , and it's cold.
You won't be able to sleep tonight!!

So you can catch up on your posting during the night!! Lol.
serves you right logic! could have been worse, dinner in the bin or dog!
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sympathetic lot. or should i say pathetic lot. :
Yeh.....if I can't sleep in neither can u!
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NO way funny Iv'e got to be allert to annoy you tomorow.
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this is really amusing, i bet youv'e never had a cold dinner sandwich.
i could sleep all day and night ...if i could ..

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morning everybody,

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