my cat lacey gave birth to 8 kittens last week . the mother lacey is a purebreed siamese and the father a pure longhaired grey my question is how much are my kittens worth?
not a lot - hey are still mixed moggies, so not showable or able to have papers etc. most moggies round by me go for 50-60 quid, so due to interesting features you could probably ask 100-150 maybe, but it will also depend on how cute they look!
If they were mine I would be more worried about finding them all good homes than how much I could make from them. I would rather give them away to the right people.
I bought mine off trade-it on the net for 2x �45-. The owners didn't know me from Adam, and I don't think many people selling kittens would inspect your home or ask questions to see if you were likely to be 'good' owners.
Mine are both lovely and well looked after. It's a good place to advertise and you could get more than �50 if they're a bit special, you could put a photo in too.
how can you tell? You can't actually go to their homes and check on their family history.They are not being tested for child fostering. I think it's highly unlikely that anyone with several moggies to house would be able to give them or sell them to people they know and how would they judge whether strangers were 'suitable' owners or not?
Why not? I do it with puppies. No-one gets one of mine unless I see where they are going to be kept and the owners have gone through the Spanish Inquisition.