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Wedding jitters!!

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lubecki161 | 11:09 Tue 01st Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
What would you do if your soon to be married friend seemed to be seroiusly but quietly freaking out??


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Take him out to a lap dancing club , get him drunk , take him to get laid with a hooker , oh btw in amsterdam , and then tell him to pull himself together .

Diddy that help ?
Question Author
NO! Cus its a she!
Not sure that naked ladies would help her!!
Freaking out before marriage? its normal
Well many women go to lap dancing clubs.That aside tell her its ok if she doesnt like being married she can either get divorced or do as more married folk are doing , just play around and have some fun.Divorce on rise ,. infidelity too.Marraige aint what it used to be .So tell her get in there no fear .

Diddy this help ?
Its normal as spaced said , shel probs get worse so just be there and let her "bend your ear " x
Ps whens the wedding?
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I know its ment to be normal but she seems really down! She was excitied but shes just done a U turn!
Weddings in October
The pressure of getting married is alot for some. Take her out for a drink or a meal and have a heart to heart.
Maybe she doesnt wanna marry him.Likei said marraige counts very low nowadays and isnt what it used to be or thought to be.If shes really unsure , she may have a valid reason you dont know ?

Some jitters are understandable......but if her little voice is telling her something is not right, she should listen.

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Wedding jitters!!

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