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Funnily enough Barmaid I was talking to a lady in the village just now who has just sold her Morris 1000. She too had to use the starting handle on occasion she told me! Although it's nice in some ways to have the luxury of just phoning for the breakdown service in the old days you just felt you could always get home even if you had to do the odd minor (sorry pun unintended) repair. Certainly it was very satisfying, and seemed good fun at the time, to be able to crank up the car, once you knew the technique it was easy wasn't it! It was just an age when you had to be more self sufficient.
I'm still smiling at this vision of a woman being applauded by some builders after successfully cranking her car, that tale made my day!
Interesting how well your moggie survived being shunted at the rear. I'm not sure that modern cars are so much better.