I am no expert on rare album prices but do know that the price can vary considerably for any record depending when it was issued (and even the colour of the label, the writing on the label and sleeve and so on).
This album came out in 1963, and of course was sold for many years until the move to CDs, so it depends if it was bought in 1963, or in 1973.
If you read this Wiki article below it does say the early copies had a black and gold label (later ones did not) so they can be more valuable. It also depends if it is Mono or Stereo. See the section "Album cover and label".
So very hard to say if yours is valuable or just ordinairy.
Try searching on "rare records" in Google, there are sites that give guide prices for albums, but as I said, there is no ONE price for an album, depends on all sorts of factors.