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You got me scaniavabis :o)
It's actually my 11 year old son I'm wanting to keep a closer eye on. He has his laptop downstairs for monitoring purposes, and as with most growing boys he's done the usual googling of 'naughty' body parts (lol) and we've had a chat about it, but I've found more of the same recently, only not quite so tame, having been googled. It doesn't add up though, because there's very little in his Internet history that corresponds with the words he's googled, whereas there was literally hundreds of items the last time, so I'm wondering whether he's been tipped off by his mates on how to delete his history? I only discovered it because the words were still on the drop down search bar in google. We do supervise his Internet access (although reading this it doesn't sound like it!) but the few bits I found in his history folder were viewed by the resourceful little so-and-so in the short space of time between him coming down for his breakfast at 7am and me or his Dad appearing downstairs at about ten past! We've now done as Ethel and Tanty suggested and set up an admin account for us and a user account with parental control filters for him on his computer (we did have this filter before but it filtered out almost everything and was more trouble than it was worth so we gave up with it), and he doesn't have the password for either, so is reliant on one of us logging him in so we can monitor when he's on there. It's a shame we need to do it, but there's so much out there that's highly unsuitable for an 11 year old. I'm not a prude by any means, but a lot of the stuff is way beyond what most adults would class as 'normal' and I imagine would be very confusing for a child!!!
Anyway, thanks for your help and suggestions...much appreciated. Denise x