Anybody been to Bavaria? How do you get from the town of Berchtesgaden to the Eagle's Nest mountaintop? How much does it cost? What's it like in bad weather?
there used to be buses; may still be. The shop at the top had lots of stuff about Nazis which I couldn't help thinking would have been of most interest to neoNazis. In good weather it was a wonderful view (of course; no reason to choose it otherwise). In bad weather I suppose it's like bad weather anywhere - wet and you can't see much.
Believe me in bad weather you cannot see a thing. We went in August last year expecting to see for miles but the mist and drizzle set in and we couldn't see a hand in front of our noses. The story of the place is absolutely fascinating but the place itself is now little more than a coffee shop on a mountain!!
I thought ABers might be interested in how I actually got to the Eagle's Nest last week. Not very excitingly, I got on a number 840 bus from Salzburg to Berchtesgaden, then a number 838 bus to Obersalzberg, where you transfer to a special bus for the mountain climb. Total cost: 34 Euros, versus 50 for the escorted tour.
And the weather was very nice, thank you for asking!