Railways in The AnswerBank: Technology
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Blueflame | 22:22 Tue 08th Jul 2008 | Technology
5 Answers
Can some rail buff out there tell me why ugly and complicated overhead catenary is used in preference to third rail ? ( simple and tidy ) Paul.
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Two thoughts. Safety and energy loss in rails.
Third rail only carries 750 volts, whereas Catenary carries 25,000 volts

Underground trains run on third rail, Normal electric trains run on 25,000 volts

The reason they are overhead is quite simple, go within 2 feet of them and you`ll have a hole where the electricity enters your body and a hole where it exits, every part of your body in between that will be burnt to a pulp
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Thank you both. The old Southern Railway has managed for 70 ?odd years on third rail ,so it must be reasonably efficient but perhaps not suitable for high speeds? Best wishes,Paul.
Third rail suffers in icy conditions when it becomes difficult to pick up the electricity causing arcing.

As wildwood says, more sub stations are needed with third rail to keep an adequate supply of electricity.
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Thank you all. Food for thought? Paul.

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