This country will be an Islamic counry in fifty years.
We are already having debates in regards to incorporating aspects of Sharia law into our legal system or whether the call to prayer outside mosques is to be tolerated by non-believers in the same way that church bells are by the atheists.
Islam is supposedly a peaceful and tolerant religion, but is it in reality?
How many church bells are to be heard on a Sunday morning in Islamic countries?
Does radical Islam accept homosexuality, immorality, drunkeness, unmarried mothers, teenage pregnancies, drug misusers or non-believers?
How many people in this country have their hands chopped off when they steal ?
I have never seen groups of murderers hanging from cranes in this country, while the spectators chant like savages!
The BBC has long been the Biased Broadcasting Corporation, with an apathetic/Guardian viewpoint in regards to radical Islam!
Wake-up people of this country, radical Islam is amonst us and we will all be affected by this eventually!
Peace and Love