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i was once lost and now im found

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abstract | 11:07 Sun 13th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
can you ever really find yourself,or can you spend a whole lifetime searching without ever doing so and if you dont find yourself do you be happy and give up the search or would you feel empty like somethings missing?

either way i need to go and get ready,il be back soon, drunker and crazier then ever! everyone out there enjoy your sunday and whatever your doing!


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Stop looking.
What youre looking for is within you.
Get yourself settled and in a happy place , then you will be fine , its just a state of mind.

D T H ?
I just go with the flow -I dont do deep thinking -dont have the mental capacity for it cos my brain full of nonsense -lol

Right I have to go and make the bed and rubbish things so will see ya later !
And remember you dont find happinesss with a person.You can be happy with them , true happiness is within you.So wether youre single or with someone or looking for someone it doesnt matter you can still find your inner happiness.

D T H ?
I often think that if you constantly keep searching then there will always be something that is never there.

I think the best way could be to learn to be happy with what you have and everything else you get is a bonus.
I still haven't found what I'm looking for. It is a Beautiful Day though and With or Without You I will still have my Pride on the Blo0dy Sunday. I might even burn an Unforgetable Fire in the garden if I have the Desire.
Give up looking, you never ever find what you're looking for.

And one day, without even looking you will find it and it has been right under your nose all along!
The sweetest thing.

Is to be one with yourself.

D T H :0) ?�
Question Author
cheers peeps,interesting answers! pat on the back for all of you!
Hey Abs -hows you?

I am just peachy thanks for asking.

Yip - think TB had the best post -way to go hun !!!!
Question Author
cheers drisgirl im now doing ok as my hair-of-dog meter is filling up!
Sounds like you are lost, Abstract. Get a GPS asap!
Question Author
i have! it seems to have sent me down the mines!
I just take each day as it comes as yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

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i was once lost and now im found

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