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Good Morning

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bensmum | 07:43 Mon 14th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
late this morning - having server problems with the laptop! Monday again but at least it's a nice one so far. Have a great week everyone


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Morning Bensmum and all.

Everyone is cheerful this Monday morning.
The sun is out and things can only get better !!!

Have a lovely day folks, don't work too hard!!!!

Funny XXX
Morning all:0))))
Lovely day here in London too - i heard it's going to last until Thursday - so make the most of it!

Hope you all have a wondeful day! x
Morning all, after saying i was going to have a lie in this morning, i'm still up early.

Morning all's a lovely day here ..
forecast is 25c !!! Have a good day ...
overcast here, just tried doing the gardening but gave up as spot the builders rat wanted to join and was just getting underfoot and rake! hubby feeling a bit better not so shaky and feels warmer.
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Hello everyone - just managed to grab a quiet 5 minutes away from the phone, talk about manic Monday! Too many of you to list I'm afraid but good to see you all.

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Good Morning

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