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RogK | 17:31 Tue 25th Jan 2005 | Shopping & Style
3 Answers
Anybody bought a slim plasma telly? Good value? Good picture? Very stylish, I think, and I'd like one.


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A similar question on another thread indicated that they are relatively short-lived, 10,000 hours... about 2 years or so for usual useage.  Pretty expensive for that little life.  We recently bought a 14" LCD unit (Samsung) for the kitchen.  Excellent picture, but the sound is really tinny... I bought an inexpensive computer speaker set, including sub-woofer which works well.  It just plugs into the ear phone jack.  We got a good buy on it here in the U.S., at $375, but the larger ones run near $3,000 or more...
If my husband had his own way, he'd have a telly with knobs on!

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