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Anyone else feeling shattered

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ramasus | 16:09 Tue 15th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
I'm shattered, and just need to keep my eyes open for another 50mins.

Anyone actually got caught sleeping at work?


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No. Probably coz I've never slept at work.
Is someone going to carry you home at 5, ramasus? ;)

I've never slept at work, but it was a regular occurance at school. Those were the days.
im sitting in the office and struggling to keep my eyes open!!

what makes it worse is the bloody customers who keep coming in or ringing me up!!!!
ruge, I'm eating a Fab lolly at my desk. I haven't had one of these for years! :)
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Damn those customers and phones. If only it was possible to sleep with one eye open I would.
yep, the IT manager's office has a fab sofa and i often nip in there for a bit of a snooze, right now i'm bored and anxious
Im imagining you with that lolly! ;�)

CRIKEY!!!!!!!!..........that woke me up!!!
My good deed for the day... :)

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We once had an american chap at work who asked his line manager if he was allowed to have a "power nap" on the common area sofa. she declined and said it wouldnt look good for visitors coming in.

anyway one day he started popping out to lunch, and coming back with wet hair and a towel, so everyone though he was going swimming, unitl the HR manager walked into the loos and couldnt open the door, looked under the door to see that this guy had rolled out the towel and was sleeping in the toilets. he was sacked immediately. not only was it stupid, but also catastrophic (sp) in a fire if we couldnt find him.

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Anyone else feeling shattered

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