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What makes a person nasty.

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boogieboogie | 14:36 Wed 16th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
We all know them, ar*eholes, arrogant pr*cks, showoffs and bighead, lyers. control freaks. But what are your experiences of NASTY PEOPLE and why do you think that.


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To me nasty is some one who uses some one vunerable to get their Jollies.
Makes them do things they know they don't want to do but don't have much of a choice.
Those are nasty people.
The rest just comes down to plain stupidity and some times we are all guilty of that.
i dont personally know of any really nasty people. But in my mind nasty is anyone who is deliberatly cruel, either mentally or physically to someone thus causing real pain to the other person.
i once worked for a woman who was all of the words you've listed. She made my life a misery so I quit the job. I later found out that her 2 kids had emigrated, her husband was a junkie, her parents had been killed in an accident and she was clinically obese through comfort eating.
In a nutshell, she had no life so I guess she was envious of anyone who did have one.
She was to be pitied rather than hated.
A nasty person is one who calculatingly wishes or inflicts malice towards another, the outcome of which often causes melancholy and misery, although it is the former which defines a nasty person, not the outcome.
Well I am a very Genuine person, but I do know quite a few ar*eholes, and lyers, even family members, why are these people like this, I sometimes think its jealousy.
I get very hurt when people do or say nasty things to me, then I try to act like it's not bothered me, but deep down it hurts. but I just keep smiling.
We have a guy here at work like that.

I just put it down to plain bullying. He is never nice to anyone and gets of on making folks look stupid.

He is not a popular person and few answer him back.

You talking about me boogie , my ears are burning ?
"What makes a person nasty."

- When they practice poor hygiene.
- When they pick food from the rubbish and devour it.
Its a form of defence me thinks?
Someone who has nothing that I would consider a redeeming personality. It's subjective.
from my experience there are several things that make a person behave in an unpleasant manner
personality traits (obsessive compulsive, controlling,addictive personality normally abusing drugs/alcohol/glue ect)

most people that have been nasty to me in life are people that have issues of their own, normally one of the above list is at the route of their problems.
I find nasty people are people that are jelous of other people and wish they had their lives
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What makes a person nasty.

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