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Will I get into the US?

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chezza83 | 22:38 Wed 16th Jul 2008 | Travel
4 Answers
I got arrested in May 2003 for possesion of 2 ectasy tablets for personal use. I only got cautioned and the police said it would stay on my file for 5 yrs, which is now been spent. I'm wanting to go to New York in February next yr, but I don't know if I can get away with not having a visa, or will I need to apply for a visa? I don't know if it makes a difference that I have an old passport, which isn't machine readable? Could someone please help?


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If you have an old passport that isn't machine readable then you need a visa.

However the chances of you actually having such a passport are virtually zero. The UK hasn't issued such passports for years and they should all have expired. Those few that may still exist would have been issued at an overseas Embassy, not at a passport office here.

I suspect you are confusing machine readability with biometrics. They are very different.

I'd be a bit doubtful of you getting a visa should you apply for one given that it was a drugs offence. The offence is not spent under US law - it never will be.

The chances of them knowing about it (unless you tell them) are low to non-existent.

if your pasport looks ike this, with all the <<<<<<<<<<<<chevrons and numbers in the bottom section, then it's machine readable. mrp.gif
I think new rules come into force in Jan for travel to the USA, the visa waiver will no longer exist and anybody wanting to travel to the USA from next year is going to have to apply online for acceptance to enter USA, you will be able to apply from the beginning of august, what will be asked on the site I don't know, but just be aware of it.

Take a look at this link, Ray oot/Weak_dollar_sparks_US_bargain_h/

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