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legend.verde | 03:10 Fri 18th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
afraid theh nutters on
im offf to bed
mind you being a doley the loony might stay for a nibbble

nite xx


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warm my on my way!
Night night Leggy! xx
Nite,nite lasagne...ooopps...legend verde!! lol xx
Question Author
terambulan no need to warm its 75 degrees here


nite xx
pastafreak can u tell the ice. maiden that i cant get on the fave sad song link please if u can x
It's been zapped hun. i replied to you, but of course - no can do. You can chat on here though until THIS one goes!! Lol. x
The pr!ck blames everyone for it's "overposting"

Get a grip peeps.

The attention seeker zapped it's own post

Dont cha get what it's doing?

Did I help?

I know I did.
not twice misty.
Question Author
lol icey spot the looser : 0 )
I have a thought who misty might be. I hope I'm wrong!!!
You have thought who I am? Why? Is your life that miserable and you have nothing else to do but wonder who people are on a website.

You need to get out more.
Darling, I have more than you'll ever know. I just hoped that you weren't who I thought you were, because that person seemed fine to me. Sorry if I was wrong.
Theres a big wide world out there.

Get out and dont live your life trying to find cyber friends.

I've found them hun. Sorry - the real ones, that is. Goodnight to you.

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