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What a Dilemma!

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icemaiden | 12:54 Fri 18th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
There seems to be a lot of people in this particular part of AB, so hopefully people will help me with my dilemma.

One of my good friends is getting married next year, which is fab and i'm really pleased, but....I really reallly hate weddings, to the point at which I would say it could be a phobia, (if that exists).

She knows this but she still insists on me coming and she has asked my 8 year old daughter to be flowergirl. (which she eagerly agreed to)

It's not till April 2009 but I'm already having hot sweats and palpitations over it. What would you do in this situation? How can I get out of going without hurting her feelings?

I will read all your answers and will try to reply but don't think I have ran off if you don't hear from me, it's just that I am at work....Tut Tut!


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yes Gamophobia is a fear of marriage, but its the only thing I could find

I am acrophobic, Spheksophobic and Batophobic
Wedding phobia is socio-phobia, fear of social occasions. Do you feel the same at funerals, bar-mitzvahs and baptisms?

I have ophidiophobia.
Hi icemaiden,

Maybe having something to do yourself might help. I get panic attacks in social occasions, and get over it by giving myself a job, i.e. in my cousins wedding I stayed in the back watching the children.

Just a thought!
i love snakes Octavius, its wasps and of course arachnids take make me scream like a girl
I think Whiffey is right icy. You have to try and establish what makes this different from any other social ocassion which makes you so fearful. Could you try analysing what it is you find so frightening that you don't with other social events?

Although I sympathise, one wedding I went to, I completely freaked. Mind you, I think that was because it was my own and I realised about 9 minutes too late that I was marrying a to$$er.
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Octavius...I'm fine in other places, even funerals, christenings and parties.

andrea81...I like that idea, she did ask me if I could take care of her two horses that are going (yes really) so if I say yes then maybe It will encourage me. I will still see the gp as well. He may give me something.
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Oh barmaid, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your reply. You poor thing.
''I could take care of her two horses that are going. I will still see the gp as well. He may give me something. ''

Hay? lol

I'm sorry.
Laugh Icy - I do!!!!!
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Snagged...guess I ran in to that one!


(I'm sorry, I'll get me coat)
A 'bridal'?

BM... get mine whilst you're there...
What's the roll of cellotape for? Mine and BMs mouths?!

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