My partner has really bad sinuses and they are continually blocked, can anyone recommend something that might help? I know about the scraping operation you can have but that's not an option.
Bite the bullet and have the op. I'm waiting on mine cos nothing works long term. Try the doc for steroid nasal spray or prednisolone steroid drugs. They will clear it up but side effects with steroids and can't be used long term. I can sympathise with you.
My mom has had terrible problems with sinuses. After trying all the available medications for years, she just recently had the operation. It's not a guaranteed success but hers has cleared considerably since.
You can try this- an ENT consultant recommended it to me- he assured me it works, tho I've never been brave enough to give it a go!
In a sterile bottle, add 3 heaped teaspoons of sea salt and 1 heaped teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to two pints of bottled water.
Using a syringe, squirt approx. 10ml up each nostril every half hour.
The solution lasts for 1 week at room temperature.
Hope this helps
Scubadiver, your consultant is right, it does work, especially if you inhale eucalyptus vapours as well (but not at the same time). I suffer from sinus problems but this clears it up very quickly. (Good job, as I,m too chicken to have the op)