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daneswalk | 23:23 Sat 19th Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
spam was a great delight to have in the second world war we were happy to eat it in fact it became delicasey when we had nothing else of course you would not remember it as you are all to young and to well of


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You haven't said what your question is?

Is this a crossword clue?
Surely still is a delicacy have you not seen the "Spam Up" ads even for your anniversary and you can get a black pepper version too LOL
Did you mean to post this in food and drink?
I think it has escaped from Chatterbank ... where there is much spamming tonight ... but take care if you decide to venture there!! :O)
Is the answer spiced ham?
I go there Sarumite, to watch aghast but would not dare join in!
Spam wasnt a delicacy more an eat it or go without along with bread and scrape [ scrape the marg on and scrape it back off and onto the next slice] food was rationed in those days and you were grateful for what you got.

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