I've just applied to become a Special Constable - A volunteer police officer. I'm 18 now and the age limit to join the actual police is 18 and a half. However, the age to be a special is only 18.
I'm planning on doing this volunteer work alongside my full time job untill I'm 18 and a half, and then apply for the real police.
Would you recommend this?
Would this stand me in good stead to become a real police constable?
My congrats to u for being public spirited in doing a job that few have courage to entertain. I see you as a highly commendable example of todays youth.
My brother has a couple of friends who are policemen and they love the job.
At school it was what I aspired to do as a career, but the civil service was an easier option.
At 18 and a bit you are still young, if you were my son or daughter I would advise you to wait until you were about 21 before joining. This would give you a chance to experience life and would give you a deeper understanding of the people that you are to be dealing with.
I've thought myself that 18 was a bit young but, if they wanted their police officers to have more life experience then, surely they'd up their age limits?
There must be 18 year old police officers somewhere lol!
Obviously any experience in your chosen field has to be an advantage - it will give you a 'feel' for the likfe without the major commitment of gojng for the full job until you are sure you are ready.