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Best day out ever!

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CAJ1 | 15:50 Mon 21st Jul 2008 | Travel
2 Answers
Me and my boyfriend are going to Crete in August for 2 weeks. We both agreed to arrange a day out each and suprise the other person when we get there. Any ideas of what I could do or where to take him??? We are staying on the east side of Crete (Elounda/Ag Nik area).



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Hi CAJ1 we were at gouves recently an although we didn't go there our selves we heard a lot of good reports about Water City not to far west from Elounda/AgNik see here HTH Tez
take a hike through Samaria gorge if you are feeling fit. A long walk but well worth it and a good boat trip at the end to get you back round to the coach park.

If not another good day out is a boat trip along the coast line stopping at many hidden coves and diving off the boat and swimming in secluded bays.

I would also recommend a good Cretan evening - full of eating, drinking and greek dancing

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Best day out ever!

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