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alteration to a will

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shaking | 21:14 Mon 21st Jul 2008 | Law
6 Answers
I want to attach a codicil to my will, is there any way I can do this without involving a solicitor? I just want to change the executors.


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If that's all you want to do you don't need to involve solicitors just makes sure that

1) Your codicil refers to the date of the will (so there is no mistake)
2) once you have revoked the appointment of your executors and appointed new ones make sure your codicil states "in all other respects i confirm my said will".

Now the important bit. You should sign it in front of at least 2 independant witnesses (who are not beneficiaries). Those witnesses should see you sign and then sign the codicil in your presence. Helpful to include the attestation clause "Signed by the above testator/testatrix in our joint presence and then by us in his".
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Thank you barmaid, I have noticed that you are very well informed on the law on previous posts. Do you mind if I print your answer off so that I do not make any mistakes? At the moment my solicitors are the executors and having been stung with my mother-in-laws will do not want to make the same mistake.
On clicking on 'Preview', I see that Barmaid has already answered your question. However, as I've already typed out my answer, I'll post it anyway ;-)

Write the codicil as follows:

"This is the first codicil to the will dated (date of will) of me (your full name) of (your address).

1. I revoke the appointment of executors.
2. I appoint as executors (name of first executor) of (address of first executor) and (name of second executor) of (address of second executor).
3. In all other respects I confirm my will.

Date: (date of codicil)
Signature: (your signature)

Signed by (your full name) in our presence and then by us in his:

signatures of both witnesses (with their addresses underneath)"

Ensure that your witnesses actually see you sign and that neither of them are named as beneficiaries in your will. That's it.

(Former MD of a will-drafting company)
No problem Shaking, but even better - copy and paste Chris's and fill in the blanks!!!!

Hey Chris - when are we setting up the AB Free Wills Service?!!!!! lol
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thank you so much buenchico, you have saved me a fortune, I will do as you say and can honestly say you have given me peace of mind, thank you.
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you two would make a great partnership.

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alteration to a will

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