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I am training my toaster!!!

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puddicat | 09:56 Tue 22nd Jul 2008 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Went to put a slice of bread in the toaster, and when it was done it shot upwards out of the toaster and landed right on the plate,now if only i can get it to butter its self hee hee!!!!!


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PMSL -you couldnae make it up -way to go !!!
an impressive start to the day :o)
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Morning Dris, isnt it a beautiful day here?, i am off later to get me eyebrows waxed, hope i dont get the same girl as last time, someone asked if i had been punched in the eye as i had some bruising on my eye lol!!!!
Hey puddi -lol -I tried that once never to be repeated !!

Its glorious here -the garden is drawing me -think some sun worshipping is called for.

Have a great day and you sara xx
Lol , did you have the toaster sat on a stool and a whip in your hand during its training , I can just imagine the slice flying out and straight onto the plate ...classic ....:-D
Have you ever watched Wallace and Gromit?

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I am training my toaster!!!

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