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plug in old games

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LeedsRhinos | 20:33 Sat 29th Jan 2005 | Technology
7 Answers
Is there such a device available that you can plug into your TV  & play old fashioed games such as Ping tennis, space invaders etc. I dont want to buy a playstation or Xbox or anything like that as I'm not interested in any of the modern games (i'm 37 you know). Thank you in advance.


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Yes, possibly Argos or any toy store.  Argos were certainly selling 2 or 3 different sorts of the games you mention, found in the children's section.  One had pacman, amongst others, and another had space invaders and ping and others.  They were (are) about �20 each.   Hope you find what you're looking for, old timer!! :-)
Place a free advert in the Micro Mart `magazine' that is in newsagents fortnightly. It has lots of older software in it. Someone might have a working Atari and some games that you can get cheap.
Probably what you are after is this by Atari;

It has 10 of the original Atari classics that include Pong, Missile Command and Asteroids.

Namco also do one for �25 that plugs directly into your TV and plays PAC-MAN, DIG-DUG, GALAXIAN, RALLY-X and one called BOSCONIAN ( I don't remeber that one myself). ct=NAMGAM&CMP=KNC-Google

I can't find one that has Space Invaders however. Have retro fun!

A selection here:

One of the shopping channels (I forget the name, it's the British one with the weird washed-out picture quality) seems to sell this sort of thing quite frequently. They have one filmed feature that's been running for about a year which is LJ Rich and some guy playing space invaders and all the other stuff. There's one game in it that I recognise as "Parsec" from the TI99-4/A, though they call it something different. If you've got digital TV, flip through the shopping channels and you'll probably find it.

just cos your 37 doesnt mean u cant move with the times !

im 35 and play xbox and pc games regularly.i have friends who are your age or slightly older who do the same.there is a stigma for gamers of my age but the average gaming age is creeping up and is now late 20's so its becoming more acceptable

atari and namco do joypads that plug straight into your tv with classic games pre-installed

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