Many of the classical re-makes are doomed before they're even made so I don't know why they bother. The original classic's were outstanding which is why they remain classics today. Had they been rubbish they may have been worth a re-make but they were perfect (how do you improve on perfection??)
It's not just the story/characters that made it a classic but many other elements too: direction, casting, art direction, lighting, camera, sound, etc.. atmosphere/feel of the film. Taking just the story and characters into a re-make with todays production techniques just doesn't do them justice. Don't make um like they use to!
Also the people that make them - Nobody like Guy Richie cos his dad gave him the money to make a film so he's a spoilt rich brat in the critics eyes. He'll never get gd reviews because of who he is and becasue his films are pretty sh*t.
I wonder if anyone can remember the storyline to Waterworld. Huge budget, no story, not memorable. Planet of the Apes?? what was that? Willy wonker and the chocolate factory?? Awful.. can't think of any I've enjoyed.